I am a writer and freelance editor based in Los Angeles. I'm one of the founding editors of The Los Angeles Review of Books, where I'm currently editor-at-large and co-host and producer of its weekly podcast, The LARB Radio Hour. My short fiction, criticism, interviews, and essays have appeared in exhibition catalogues, anthologies, and publications including Bidoun, Bookforum, Art in America, The Nation, n+1, Momus, East of Borneo, Frieze, Night Papers—an artists’ newspaper I created and edited with the Night Gallery in Los Angeles from 2011 to 2016—and on KCRW and Mcsweeney’s program, The Organist. I have organized readings and film programs for the Getty, Human Resources, Workspace, Bob Baker Marionette Theater, and Union Docs in New York City, and I co-program a miniature cinema called Veggie Cloud. Presently I'm writing a novel about a long friendship between two women set in Los Angeles.
Email: kaylameloni@gmail.com